

In 1985, a group of law enforcement members assigned to Internal Affairs Sections in North Carolina met for the first time to discuss mutual problems and future requirements of our profession. From the earlier meetings, a formal association was created in 1986. The association was named the North Carolina Internal Affairs Investigators Association. A constitution with objectives and by-laws was ratified on June 4, 1986. The purpose of the National Internal Affairs Investigators Association was to develop and establish professional standards of performance and integrity for Internal Affairs investigators, to provide training to bring about professional growth and development, to present a forum for discussion of common problems and current court decisions, to gather and disseminate information regarding improved administrative and technical practices, to assist law enforcement agencies in the founding and continued development of Internal Affairs Investigative units, and to foster law enforcement cooperation and the exchange of information and experience among Internal Affairs investigators.

In 1987, several southeastern states made inquiry into the Association’s meetings. A decision was made by the members on the N.I.A.I.A. to open its membership to other internal Affairs Sections throughout the southeast. A new constitution was written and ratified in late 1987 and the newly formed Southeastern Internal Affairs Investigators Association was created. Since that time, several annual and regional meetings have been held. The association continues to grow and prosper.

On October 6, 1993, at the annual conference in Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina, the membership votes unanimously to become the National Internal Affairs Investigators Association.

Present – 2007 – Today the National Internal Affairs Investigators Association is a growing professional association of internal affairs investigators from departments throughout the United States, Canada, as well as other International Countries.

N.I.A.I.A. Constitution and By-Laws 

The N.I.A.I.A. is a professional association and not an investigative agency. We are unable to investigate citizen complaints. Please direct such matters to your local, state or federal authorities and not to our web site or mailing address. Thank you for your assistance.

National Internal Affairs Investigators Association